Green Building Community

Recycled Kitchens, Salvaged Splendor

Chelsea W. NY, United States 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 12 Group posts

Posted by: Chelsea W. // Student

The New York Times recently posted an article about how different organizations in New York are recycling used kitchen appliances. Organizations like Green Demolition and BIG Reuse, are in the business of removing unwanted kitchens pieces, including cabinets and appliances, and then selling them for less than half their original market value. The point is to divert these completely useable products from landfills. Especially in the NY Metropolitan Area, many times there are lightly used, high quality appliances and cabinets that are being taken out of a building that could be used by someone else.

This brings up the green trend of "deconstruction" or taking out pieces of a space and letting them be reused by someone else, as opposed to just demolishing what was in the space. This means with a little creativity and compromise, a person with a small renovation budget can have the ability to put high quality items into their space.

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