Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Deconstruction'

Recycled Kitchens, Salvaged Splendor

by Chelsea W. // Student

The New York Times recently posted an article about how different organizations in New York are recycling used kitchen appliances. Organizations like Green Demolition and BIG Reuse, are in the busines…

Western Massachusetts Green Consortium - Green Night October 12, 2016 5PM - 8PM: Demolition, Deconstruction, Recycling

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

You are invited to join the Western Mass Green Consortium at the upcoming Green Night October 12, 2016 5PM - 8PM. Construction & Demolition Sustainable Waste Practices Join RecyclingWorks in Mas…

Webinar- Deconstruction and Building Materials Reuse: Innovations and Opportunities, April 19th, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

by AbbieKnight

It is estimated that over 800 billion tons of natural resources worldwide are stored in the built environment alone . Deconstruction of structures in the built environment is a systematic disassembly …

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Innovation,Deconstruction,Reuse

0 replies | 1068 views | Posted on: 04/09/2018 | Last updated: 04/12/2018

Deconstruction + Reuse Conference '21, Building Circularity for Resilient Communities, October 19-21, Virtual

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

As the world faces increasing extraction of finite resources, high unemployment, and the ever-growing climate crisis, it is clearer than ever that our linear “take, make, and waste&rdq

Pennsylvania Sustainability Group

Keywords: Demolition,Deconstruction,Sustainable Demolition

0 replies | 1545 views | Posted on: 10/13/2021 | Last updated: 10/13/2021

Free Online Deconstruction Masterclass Series by Rethos, Part 3: Giving New Life to Old Buildings, May 18 10 am CDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

Deconstruction is the careful dismantling of a  structure in order to preserve and reuse building materials. It might seem like building deconstruction and preservation are at odds. However, old

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Green Building,Materials,Deconstruction

0 replies | 2312 views | Posted on: 04/16/2022 | Last updated: 04/21/2022

Free Online Deconstruction Masterclass Series by Rethos, Part 1: The Essentials, May 4, 10 am CDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

You've likely heard the term "deconstruction" floating around the reuse and preservation world. Or maybe you're familiar with the process and want to learn more alongside others

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Architecture,Materials,Deconstruction

0 replies | 608 views | Posted on: 04/16/2022 | Last updated: 04/21/2022

Free Online Deconstruction Masterclass Series by Rethos, Part 2: Climate & Environmental Impacts, May 11, 10 am CDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

It's no secret that building construction and demolition produce lots of waste that ends up in landfills across the  globe. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that 600 m

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Architecture,Economy,Deconstruction

0 replies | 533 views | Posted on: 04/16/2022 | Last updated: 04/21/2022