Green Building Community
Seeking Recommendations for an Eco Friendly Gas Fireplace Insert
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Hello out there -
Please reply if you know of a super and eco friendly fireplace insert?
We've been repairing an old gas fireplace so many times, we just want to do an insert and know that it's going to work and be safe from non-experts (that us, us and our friends) trying to tinker with gas valves and wires and fake logs.... I'd love to work with a brand that has less of a footprint.
PatPrince317 // Lifelong Learner and Green Energy Aficionado
I hope I didn't miss the boat here...
Dimplex specializes in electric heaters and has a line of electric fireplace inserts that look surprisingly real. They are HQed in Canada and they use a lot of electric heat because Quebec and Ontario benefit greatly from cheap hydro electricity. Well not as much Ontario any more, but that's because the utilities over built their grid system. They also make solar water heaters. They are definitely with checking out if you decided to mothball the fireplace initiative until this fall.
Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin
Thanks!! I actually hadn't finalized this decision yet! I should have said it's a gas fireplace, but I don't know how people make decisions about gas or electric... I had assumed we'd stay with gas.
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