Green Building Community

Sustainable Communities - Trends and Developments in C40 Cities - April 28

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Sustainable Communities
April 28 at 11:30 am EST (4:30 pm UK)

Zach Tofias will share insights about the latest developments in sustainable communities. Zach serves as the Head of the Sustainable Communities Initiative and the Climate Positive Development Program at C40. Zach has been working with both private sector developers and city partners around the world on locally relevant solutions to find replicable models for sustainable city growth.

The World Green Building Council’s Sustainable Cities Initiative (SCI) supports national green building councils (GBCs) in their relationships with local governments around the world, with the aim of creating more sustainable cities everywhere.

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