Green Building Community

Sweden to Become One of World’s First Fossil Fuel-Free Nation​s

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Löfven stated to the UN recently: “We are the first generation that can put an end to poverty. And the last that can put an end to climate change.”

Ahead with over 50% of power from non-fossil fuel sources, Sweden has committed to becoming fossil-fuel free. The country will invest in photovoltaics, energy storage, the smart grid, green transportation, and increased. energy efficiency for existing buildings. Outside of its borders, Sweden will increase funding of climate-related projects in developing countries.

Projects will largely be financed through tax increases on petrol and diesel fuel (Science Alert). Sweden has not yet given up nuclear power, which presents a challenge for many.




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