Green Building Community
Tiny Living Festival California 2019: October 5, Richmond, CA (Event also posted in the CA Group)
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

(This event is posted on the Green Building Calendar and also in Rate It Green's California Group.)
Tiny Living Festival California 2019: October 5, Richmond, CA:
Join United Tiny House at the Tiny Living Festival California at the Richmond Art Center/Richmond Auditorium Convention’s Parking Lot; only 20 minutes' drive from San Francisco. This weekend includes tiny house tours, opportunities to connect, and plenty of food trucks.
Tours include all kind of tiny living structures from tiny houses on wheels, school bus conversions and van conversions. Enjoy talks and plenty of workshops from Building and Zoning to Downsizing.
A portion of proceeds go to the local non-profit “ Tentmakers Inc.” to support their great work in affordable housing in San Francisco’s Bay Area.
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