
    Equity in Practice Workshop: Just 3.0 Label for a Socially Just Workplace, April 3, 1-5 pm, Boston, Massachusetts

  • 3 April 2025
  • Start time : 01:00 PM
  • End time : 05:00 PM
  • Event Host : Built Environment Plus (BE+)
  • Event Location : Consigli Construction Company, 313 Congress St, Boston, MA, 02210, United States
Equity in Practice Workshop: Just 3.0 Label for a Socially Just Workplace
Event Description

Thinking of bringing the Just label to your organization and not sure where to start?  
Do you have an existing label and want to learn more about 3.0? 
Are you looking to learn more about specific indicators? 

Built Environment Plus (BE+) invites you to join this half-day workshop to explore organizational justice and the value of Living Future’s JUST process. Lead your company and industry to address the challenges at all scales for broader adoption and an accelerated rate of change. This is an exciting opportunity to connect and learn from those raising the bar of social justice at an in-person gathering.

In this hands-on opportunity, dive into the topics and categories of organizational transparency for the company where you work, at any level. The new JUST 3.0 Transparency label is a step up in the quest for equity and inclusion in the AEC industry. The workshop is organized around a series of small group working sessions with a facilitator on each of the key transparency categories. The workshop aims to work as a community, helping all attendees use the JUST 3.0 framework to assess and take action in their organizations.

Note: The Just program is a voluntary disclosure tool for organizations by the International Living Future Institute. Just is not a certification program, it is a transparency platform for organizations to disclose their operations, including how they treat their employees and where they make financial and community investments.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Built Environment Plus (BE+)
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Diann Tufts
      Jim Newman
      Jacob Bloom
      Robert Donohue
  • Event type
    • Workshop

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