Green Building Community

HeatSmart Mass Program - Interested Communities - RFPs must be received by September 1, 2017

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

MassCEC and DOER are currently accepting community proposals for the HeatSmart Mass program, with a goal of selecting up to 4 communities or groups of communities. Each community will select one or more of the clean heating and cooling technologies to promote as part of HeatSmart Mass.

All towns and cities in Massachusetts are eligible to apply.

Individuals interested in participating in the program must own property located in a community that is running an active HeatSmart Mass program.

Communities with High Cost Heating Fuels

While all towns and cities in Massachusetts are eligible to apply, households with high cost heating fuels (oil, electric resistance, and propane) will see the highest cost savings for switching to clean heating and cooling. Review this map to see the number of households in your community that heat with high cost heating fuels.

How it works

HeatSmart Mass is a community-based outreach and education program that will encourage clean heating and cooling technologies that include air-source heat pumps, ground-source heat pumps, central biomass heating, and solar hot water. The Program aims to help 1) drive down the installation cost and 2) increase deployment of residential and small-scale commercial clean heating and cooling installations through a group purchasing model. HeatSmart Mass is modeled on the highly successful Solarize Massachusetts program, which is now in its seventh year and has served 58 communities and resulted in over 3,400 contracts and 20.6 megawatts of solar photovoltaic projects.

Each participating community competitively selects designated installer(s) to offer one or more of the clean heating and cooling technologies to interested residents.

Interested communities should review the community request for proposals, and submit a completed application to Communities with a clear and comprehensive outreach plan, a committed volunteer team, an engaged municipality and residents interested in participating are encouraged to submit proposals.

Please submit all questions to the HeatSmart Massachusetts Team, at no later than 11:59PM on August 16, 2017. “HeatSmart Massachusetts Pilot RFP – Community Question” must appear in the email subject line. Responses to submitted questions, and other frequently asked questions, will be posted by August 23, 2017 at 5:00PM on MassCEC’s website.

MassCEC will host a webinar to provide an overview of each of the technologies and answer questions on August 7, 2017 from 3:30 to 5:00PM. A recording of the webinar will subsequently be posted.

Responses to this RFP must be received by MassCEC no later than 11:59pm on September 1, 2017. Only complete, timely responses will be considered. Responses to this RFP must be submitted electronically to “HeatSmart Massachusetts Pilot RFP –Community Proposal” must appear in the email subject line.

The Installer RFP will be posted after the pilot Communities are selected. Installers interested in applying to participate in the HeatSmart Mass program should review RFP for details once it becomes available and visit the Installer Resources Page.

For more information:



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