Green Building Community

New blog post - language is more than a tool

StacySinclair CA, United States 0 Ratings 10 Discussions 10 Group posts

Posted by: StacySinclair // Technical writer

USGBC-LA's blog series entitled "Snapshot on Sustainability", continues this week with a new post entitled,
"Language is more than a Tool". I hope you will enjoy, leave a comment, and share it widely.


Allison Friedman Weston, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 104 Discussions 131 Group posts

Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

I agree that sustainability is a moving target and not a limiting checklist. While we can very reasonably debate what it means to be sustainable, I think we all might be able to agree that we can't afford to be "unsustainable." I am very worried that we could even consider sliding backwards with regard to clean air and water, in a number of ways.

Sustainability can be seen at times a luxury in some ways... I understand that the leading edge of sustainability is not often attainable by everyone. But transitioning generally to a more sustainable society is not a luxury. If we do not push the leading edge and fast, and all work together, we're harming ourselves and future generations. Pollution and waste and inefficiency don't respect state and national borders.

Thanks for sharing, Stacy!

StacySinclair Marina del Rey, CA, united-states 0 Ratings 10 Discussions 10 Group posts

StacySinclair // Technical writer

I echo and support your points. I think we need to be clear, as a community, on how we define our terms so we can welcome people into the sustainability movement. Thank you for deepening the conversation.

On: 04/05/2017 Allison Friedman wrote:

I agree that sustainability is a moving target and not a limiting checklist. While we can very reasonably debate what it means to be sustainable, I think we all might be able to agree that we can't afford to be "unsustainable." I am very worried th…


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