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Passive House 101: An Introduction to Passive House Buildings & Design | September 5, Worcester, MA
Passive House 101: An Introduction to Passive House Buildings & Design
Passive House is an building performance standard that delivers a high level of energy savings and carbon reduction
Climate change is not a new issue to commercial real estate, but it is one that can be very challenging to address. Failure to develop a comprehensive resilience program that is integrated into the ov
…Passive House 101: An Introduction to Passive Buildings, Online, May 11, 3-5 pm ET
In this course, They will provide an overview of the Passive House building standard including certification metrics, common design elements, and net-zero potential, as well as the impacts Passiv
…During this webinar, They will evaluate protective coatings as a solution for many common problems encountered during the life-cycle of a building. Some of the easily recognized benefits of a low
…As India becomes the world’s most populated and fastest growing country how can mid-sized cities with limited planning capacity respond to climate change, and learn from experience elsewhere? Th
…Presented by IMT and the National BPS Coalition in collaboration with the Building Performance Partnership.
State and local governments are rapidly adopting next-generation climate policies to redu
…For as long as they’ve built homes, they’ve been using some kind combustion appliance system to heat them. As a result, This buildings are designed and constructed to safely manage th
…26th International Passive House Conference, March 10-11, Wiesbaden, Germany
The 26th International Passive House Conference will be held in the state capital of Hesse in 2023. #EfficiencyNOW will be the focal theme of the event. The Conference will demonstrate how buildings t
…Free Webinar: Addressing Common Hazards During Energy Upgrades, February 16, 9am PT
Testing one's work is imperative to meeting or exceeding performance targets and ensuring a feedback loop is in place for continual process improvements. This course is designed to help participan
…Austin Build Expo, January 15-16, 2020, Austin, TX
Build Expo provides the building and construction industry an unrivaled environment to meet a lot of your buyers all in one place. By attending, you have the chance to meet with exhibitors and check o
…Austin Great American Tiny House Show, November 9-10, Austin, TX
Their convention center series is an educational based platform entering its fourth year in the spread of tiny house knowledge. On display will be Tiny Homes, Container Homes, Modular Homes
…Introduction to the Living Building Challenge 4.0, October 16, West Hartford, CT
Event will hold an in-depth introduction to the philosophy and components of the Living Building Challenge and certification program of the International Living Future Institute. To be certified
…Ecocity World Summit 2019, October 7-11, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Can cities be both ecologically healthy and socially just? There are no easy answers, not even in Vancouver, one of the world’s greenest cities. Yet multiple solutions are emerging with new lead
…Passive House Massachusetts Symposium- Sat, October 17, 2015 9 AM to 5 PM
Passive House Massachusetts Symposium Sat, October 17, 2015 9 AM to 5 PM A Symposium connecting Architects, Builders, Engineers, Home/Building Owners, Policymakers, Real Estate Professionals, Stu…
Living Building Challenge (LBC) 4.0 Panel and Happy Hour, September 10, 1:00-7:30pm, Seattle, WA
The LBC 4.0
The Living Building Challenge (LBC) calls for the creation of building projects that operate as cleanly, beautifully, and efficiently as nature’s architecture. The LBC is the b
Join USGBC for their monthly Best of Greenbuild Webcast series. They will be rebroadcasting Greenbuild 2018 sessions throughout the year until Greenbuild 2019 takes place November
…Gulf Coast: LEED Platinum Evening 2019, July 24, 5:00-8:00pm, Houston, TX
Join USGBC Texas' Gulf Coast Region for a celebration of Houston’s latest LEED Platinum Projects!
Local Owners, Developers, and Architects will discuss their insights from pursuing t
…Massachusetts Clean Energy Day at the State House, May 19, 12-5 pm
Massachusetts Clean Energy Day Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Massachusetts State House 24 Beacon St Boston , MA 02133 Join Massachusetts clean energy business leaders to sh…
Housing Opportunity 2016 - Building for a Changing World May 15-17, 2016 Boston Marriott Copley Place Boston, Massachusetts Join ULI and Enterprise Community Partners to gain the tools, knowle…
CleanTech Open Northeast Boston Kickoff Party - March 24, 6:30 pm
CleanTech Open Northeast Boston Kickoff Party - March 24, 6:30 pm @Greentown Labs, Somerville Get ready for an awesome night of cleantech community networking leading up to the Cleantech Open 2016…
Green Building of the Week: Desert Rain, a Living Building Challenge home, in Bend, Oregon
Presenting: Desert Rain, a Living Building Challenge home, in Bend, Oregon • Main House + Two Detached Apartments and 3 Garages • Warm, Modern, Clean + Super Green • 100% net-zero energy â…
Massachusetts CAN Lead on Solar Energy - Learn about The Solutions Project
Achieving a world without the use of fossil fuels is possible with existing technologies. Contrary to what some people believe we are not waiting on some incredible breakthrough in technology, we have…
Come and join the USGBC NJ South Branch as they present Greening Garden State School and Colleges: Building and Operations. The event will take place on December 9, 2015 at the Waterfront Technology C…
We have always been proud that we use solid lumber in our home kits. This isn't always easy in modern construction. Solid wood tends to bend, crack, or warp and it can contains knots where you don't w…
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