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Green Building Product Discussions

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Pros and Cons of an airtight house

by Matt Hoots SawHorse Design + Build

A house needs to breathe, right? Yes, they do, but not the way most builders or homeowners think they do.  Many argue for a leaky house to allow the house to breathe.  That is one method to get fresh air. However, it is not th… more...

  Filed under: Filtration

0 replies | 8767 views | Posted on: 04/24/2023 | Last updated: 04/28/2023

Filtration and Airflow in Whole House HVAC Systems: Filter Cabinets and MERV Options

HVAC,Ventilation Systems,Ventilation,Filtration,AprilAire,Whole House Ventilation Systems,MERV

by Rate It Green Team

Filters remove dust and other particles, including biological contaminants, from the air.  This basic but important function plays a critical role in maintaining indoor air quality, and yet most of us are just starting to catch up wi… more...

  Filed under: Filtration

0 replies | 5258 views | Posted on: 06/14/2022 | Last updated: 02/20/2024

Your House May be Making You Sick!

by SawHorse, Inc.

I got questions from a YouTube video regarding ventilation in their home.  They also wanted to ventilate their detached art studio.  They indicated that they would be sick inside the house during certain times of the year in t… more...

  Filed under: Filtration

0 replies | 5366 views | Posted on: 09/18/2021 | Last updated: 12/26/2022

Exploring Whole House Filtration and Particulate Matter, with Aprilaire

HVAC,Air Quality,Indoor Air Quality,Ventilation Systems,Ventilation,Filtration,AprilAire,IAQ

by Rate It Green Team

In this interview with green builder Matt Hoots, Joseph Hillenmeyer with Aprilaire takes a deeper dive into whole-house air filtration and explores what we need to know about healthy air.  Awareness of filtration has grown in the… more...

  Filed under: Filtration

0 replies | 11939 views | Posted on: 02/25/2021 | Last updated: 03/24/2025

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