Green Building Community

Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.

Exploring the Environmental, Health and Community Benefits of Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment with EcoQuiet's George Carrette (Video)

Pollution,Electrification,Lawn care,Lawns,Backyard,Gas equipment,Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment,Lawn and Garden Equipment,Electric Landscaping,Electric Lawn Care

by Rate It Green Team

George Carrette is greening lawn care, one lawn at a time.  George has owned and operated EcoQuiet Lawn Care in Massachusetts since 2014.  After George studied Horticulture at UMass Amherst Stockbridge School of Agriculture,… more...

0 replies | 9677 views | Posted on: 03/13/2021 | Last updated: 03/04/2025

Leaf Blower Bans and other Noise Pollution Limits On the Rise

Landscaping,Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment,Lawns,Electric Landscaping,Electric Lawn Care,Lawn and Garden,Leaf Blowers,Lawn Mowers

by EcoQuiet Lawn Care

A somewhat unexpected result of the 2020 COVID19 pandemic seems to be increased interest in gas-powered leaf blower and related bans. The virus of course caused many people to stay home and kept suburban workers in their home offices a… more...

0 replies | 13393 views | Posted on: 04/27/2021 | Last updated: 03/04/2025

Electric Lawn Care Equipment by Husqvarna - Eliminate Gas, Reduce Noise and Pollution, and Save Energy (Video)

Electrification,Lawn care,Mowers,Landscaping,Edgers,Trimmers,Blowers,Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment,Lawn and Garden Equipment

by Rate It Green Team

Caleb Peck from Husqvarna recently spoke with Green Builder Matt Hoots about Husqvarna’s residential and commercial electric mowers and other lawn and maintenance equipment, some of which can also be automated and/or solar power… more...

0 replies | 8184 views | Posted on: 12/06/2020 | Last updated: 01/19/2023

A Conversation about Makita USA's Outdoor Electric Power System

Electrification,Landscaping,Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment,Lawn and Garden Equipment,Lawns,Electric Landscaping

by Rate It Green Team

Green builder Matt Hoots of Sawhorse, Inc. recently met with Ed Sidoruk of Makita USA, who shared some helpful information about Makita’s outdoor power equipment line, which is also the world’s largest outdoor electric pow… more...

0 replies | 7566 views | Posted on: 04/25/2021 | Last updated: 03/03/2022


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