Green Building Community

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There are more to toilets than just low flow

by Matt Hoots SawHorse Design + Build

When low-flow toilets were introduced to the market decades ago, they were a complete failure.  Toilet manufacturers took older models and changed a few parts to be compliant.  I even remember in the '90s, people installed the… more...

  Filed under: Other

0 replies | 1872 views | Posted on: 03/27/2023 | Last updated: 09/01/2023

Niagara's One Piece Phantom Toilet - Save on Water Bills and Look Good Doing It

Water Conservation,Toilets,Niagara,One Piece Toilets

by Rate It Green Team

  Niagara’s Phantom One Piece Toilet with Stealth Technology looks great, flushes quietly, and saves on water bills.  We think Green Builder Matt Hoots may have had  too much fun talking toilets with Ma… more...

  Filed under: Toilets

0 replies | 2436 views | Posted on: 03/27/2023 | Last updated: 04/17/2023

VIDEO: Learning about the Benefits and Experience of Wall Hung Washlet Toilets, with Toto

Water Efficiency,Bathroom Design,Bathrooms,Washlets,Toilets,Toto

by Rate It Green Team

Have you been wondering about washlet toilets, but maybe you were afraid to ask?  Bill Strang of Toto explained how these toilets work during an interview with Matt Hoots at the National Builders and Kitchen and Bathroo… more...

  Filed under: Toilets

0 replies | 7286 views | Posted on: 09/08/2020 | Last updated: 01/24/2023


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