Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
First Net Zero Energy Community in Georgia
Even though we are in a hot building market, it is important to innovate and design based on consumers' ever-growing needs. The timing is perfect for a house that matches the realities that we are all facing now. Recent and … more...

0 replies | 4021 views | Posted on: 05/09/2023 | Last updated: 03/04/2025
Webinar: Passive House for Builders & Contractors, March 24, 2 pm EDT
Eversource and UI, CNG, SCG, in partnership with Connecticut Passive House, are pleased to offer the Energize CT Passive House webinars at no cost! Please see below to reserve your virtual seat and join us for these exciting and i… more...

0 replies | 1339 views | Posted on: 03/02/2022 | Last updated: 03/03/2022
USGBC West North Central Region+ Existing Buildings Leadership Forum, September 28, 9 am EDT
The last two years have seen continuous disruption in building operations and management, along with a heightened sense of awareness and urgency to combat climate change and social inequality. As buildings have begun to reopen and invite em… more...

0 replies | 1144 views | Posted on: 09/08/2021 | Last updated: 09/09/2021
Radio BE-Ex: Building Retrofits as Climate Action with Carl Elefante, May 20, 1 pm EDT
Join this podcast for the next episode of Radio BE-Ex, where Architect Carl Elefante, FAIA, FAPT, LEED AP, highlights AIA’s commitment to climate action and the central importance of retrofitting existing buildings… more...

0 replies | 2786 views | Posted on: 04/25/2021 | Last updated: 04/25/2021
Free Virtual Workshop Series: Building Retrofit Series, Session 5, Smart Homes, May 11, 8 am ET, 1 pm BST
The energy performance of the existing UK housing stock is generally very poor and an extensive retrofit programme that utilises the most energy efficient technologies and practices is the only foreseeable way for Greater Manchester and the… more...

0 replies | 722 views | Posted on: 03/21/2021 | Last updated: 04/24/2021
Webinar: Solid Wall Insulation with Nick Parsons, April 28, 12:30 EDT
Nick Parsons has worked for over 30 years in energy-efficient and sustainable building and renewable energy. For 10 years from 2000-2010 he ran a community-sector project in Sheffield promoting and demonstrating all aspects of sustainable b… more...

1 replies | 1275 views | Posted on: 04/12/2021 | Last updated: 04/16/2021
Free Virtual Workshop Series: Building Retrofit, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11
The energy performance of the existing UK housing stock is generally very poor and an extensive retrofit programme that utilises the most energy efficient technologies and practices is the only foreseeable way for Greater Manchester and the… more...

2 replies | 729 views | Posted on: 03/21/2021 | Last updated: 04/02/2021
Free Domestic Retrofit Webinar Series Presented by the University of Salford, Session 1: Introduction to Building Retrofit, 4/13 1pm BST
The energy performance of the existing UK housing stock is generally very poor and an extensive retrofit programme that utilises the most energy efficient technologies and practices is the only foreseeable way for Greater Manchester and the… more...

0 replies | 2241 views | Posted on: 03/21/2021 | Last updated: 03/30/2021
Free Virtual Workshop Series: Building Retrofit, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11
The energy performance of the existing UK housing stock is generally very poor and an extensive retrofit programme that utilises the most energy efficient technologies and practices is the only foreseeable way for Greater Manchester and the… more...

0 replies | 793 views | Posted on: 03/21/2021 | Last updated: 03/21/2021
Free Virtual Workshop Series: Building Retrofit, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11
The energy performance of the existing UK housing stock is generally very poor and an extensive retrofit programme that utilises the most energy efficient technologies and practices is the only foreseeable way for Greater Manchester and the… more...

0 replies | 571 views | Posted on: 03/21/2021 | Last updated: 03/21/2021
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