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Sustainable Communities and Developments Discussions

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Boston's "Love Your Block" Neighborhood Improvement Program - Grant Applications are Due January 22nd!

Cities,Beautification,Neighborhood Improvement

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

Are you and your neighbors looking for funds to complete a much needed community project? Apply for a Love Your Block grant! Love Your Block is a program that supports grassroots citizen engagement and leadership in Boston. They award mi… more...

0 replies | 1727 views | Posted on: 01/05/2018 | Last updated: 01/05/2018

A Carbon Free City is Being Built from Scratch in Colorado


by Amy

Colorado is planning to build a carbon-free city from scratch. The project called Peña Station Next in Colorado will rely on solar energy, a massive lithium-ion battery, and energy efficiency schemes. The city is an experiment by Panasonic… more...

0 replies | 3514 views | Posted on: 01/01/2018 | Last updated: 01/01/2018

Resilient Architecture And Urbanism, April 10-12, Groningen, Netherlands

Green Building,Architecture,Renewable Energy,Sustainable Architecture,Urban Resilience,Urban Planning,urbanism

by ierek2017

Our attitudes, business models, products, services and actions related to the design, build, maintenance and transformation of our Built Environments have to change fundamentally. New build, renovation, and restoration projects increasingly… more...

0 replies | 1115 views | Posted on: 10/03/2017 | Last updated: 10/08/2017

Introduction to the Living Community Challenge, Sept 28 5:30 – 7:30 PM - Wickford, RI

Sustainable Communities,Renew Energy Initiative

by Amy

This presentation touches on the methodology of the Living Community Challenge (LCC) program and its components. This workshop will look at the similarities and differences between the LCC and the Living Building Challenge, the built enviro… more...

0 replies | 1355 views | Posted on: 09/20/2017 | Last updated: 09/26/2017

As climate change accelerates, floating cities look like less of a pipe dream

Climate Change,Floating Cities

by Kalyani.rc Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

Out of the box thinking - Noah’s Ark for an era of melting polar ice sheets An audacious plan to respond to climate change by building a city of floating islands in the South Pacific is moving forward, with the government of French Pol… more...

0 replies | 4043 views | Posted on: 01/30/2017 | Last updated: 01/30/2017

Why Current & Future Jobs Rely on Clean Energy - Key Trends as Reported by the Environmental Defense Fund

clean energy,Energy Efficiency,Renewable Energy,Sustainability Jobs,Environmental Defense Fund,Regulatory Freezes

by ChristinaC Marketing Student

President Trump has frozen four important rules that were created to promote greater energy efficiency, and this seems to be step one of a larger plan to cut into environmental protections/budgets. Activists and environmentalists are concer… more...

0 replies | 3037 views | Posted on: 01/28/2017 | Last updated: 10/13/2017

Bhutan - not just carbon neutral, but carbon negative!

Bhutan,Carbon neutral,Sustainability goals

by Kalyani.rc Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

Bhutan, a small nation between China and India, with a population of 750,000 has set some impressive environmental benchmarks. Bhutan is not merely carbon neutral, it’s also a carbon sink - making it one of the few countries in the world… more...

0 replies | 6193 views | Posted on: 01/17/2017 | Last updated: 01/17/2017

Earth House generates all its own energy and captures all its own water in Australia

Passive House,Australia,Earth

by Chelsea W. Student

This simple, yet stunning Rammed Earth House by Steffen Welsh Architects generates all of its own energy and captures all of its own water. Located in the northeast of Victoria in Australia, the home is oriented for passive solar with caref… more...

0 replies | 1413 views | Posted on: 08/18/2015 | Last updated: 08/18/2015

The Urban Commons?

by Rohit Satishchandra

We've all heard of the tragedy of the commons, in which unrestrained individual use exhausts a publicly shared resource. I recently came across an article that describes a phenomenon the author calls “the opening of the Urban Commons,” … more...

1 replies | 924 views | Posted on: 06/15/2015 | Last updated: 06/15/2015

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