Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Carbon sequestration'

Webinar: Carbon Capture and Storage - Engineered Carbon Sequestration, March 8, 3 pm EST

by samanthaklein // Intern

Carbon Capture and Storage is the process of capturing carbon dioxide, transporting it to a storage site, and depositing it where it will not enter the atmosphere. There are many different places CO2

Filed under: Engineering

Keywords: Carbon,carbon capture,Emissions,Carbon sequestration,carbon storage

0 replies | 1567 views | Posted on: 02/02/2021 | Last updated: 02/03/2021

FREE Webinar: Green Concrete - Building with Carbon, March 11, 3 pm EST

by samanthaklein // Intern

Concrete is both a big problem and a big opportunity in our climate crisis. It currently accounts for 8% of CO2 emissions which is comparable to the entire agriculture sector. Yet, new low carbon conc

Filed under: Concrete

Keywords: Carbon,Concrete,Emissions,Carbon sequestration

0 replies | 977 views | Posted on: 02/03/2021 | Last updated: 02/05/2021