Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Climate Resiliency'

Webinar: Passive House Symposium 2020, Presented by Passive House Massachusetts, October 27 - 28

by SarahA

The need for low-carbon, climate resilient, and healthy buildings is now more clear than ever and Passive House is the platform to build on for net-zero, resilient, healthy, and carbon-neutral communi

Mindfulness: Seeding Climate Innovation & Personal Resiliency, January 27, 12-1 PM PST

by Richard Minasian // Student

To jump-start the new year, WCS presents a discussion on how simple, yet profoundly impactful, mindfulness practices can bolster climatetech innovation, equity and personal resiliency. The panel will

Filed under: Resilience

Green Building Advocacy

Keywords: Cleantech,Innovation,Resiliency,Equity,Climate Resiliency,mindfulness

0 replies | 1698 views | Posted on: 01/04/2022 | Last updated: 01/04/2022