Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Course'

Certified Green Lending Professional Training, November 1, San Diego, California

by abu417 // Climate Connoisseur. Eco-Maniac. Solar Sommelier.

Join Build It Green for a one-day course exploring the principles of green building and the whole house approach to the design, construction and operation of residential buildings.

Upon completion

Air-Source Heat Pumps, Mini-Splits, and Heat Pump Water Heaters Seminar, April 24, Natick, MA (*Now a Webinar)

by abu417 // Climate Connoisseur. Eco-Maniac. Solar Sommelier.


As a result of recent health and safety concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, this seminar will also be offered as a live webinar.

To register for the online webinar, please foll

Filed under: Education

Massachusetts Green Builders

Keywords: Heat Pumps,Minisplit,Course

0 replies | 2230 views | Posted on: 03/15/2020 | Last updated: 03/21/2020