Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Electric Bills'

The Power of Solar Energy to Offset Peak Electric Demand

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

The past few months, summer has been hitting the United States with full force. 2016 has slashed heat records, and temperatures over the past few months have been significantly hotter than the histori…

Free Webinar: Save Energy Dollars with Heat Recovery, May 6, 9 am CST

by samanthaklein // Intern

All equipment that uses electric, motor-driven compressors or gas burners produces a lot of waste heat. Many commercial and industrial facilities waste an extraordinary amount of heat up the stack. Th

Filed under: Energy

Wisconsin Green Building Group

Keywords: Energy,Energy Efficiency,HVAC,Heat Pumps,Electric Bills

0 replies | 908 views | Posted on: 04/27/2021 | Last updated: 04/27/2021