Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Energy Bill'

MA State House: Energized To Discuss New Energy Bill

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

This past Wednesday, there was tension in the Massachusetts House, as state representatives began debating a new energy bill. The bill requires MA utilities to seek out long-term contracts to purchase…

Massachusetts Passes Compromise Energy Bill: “An Act to Promote Energy Diversity”

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

The Massachusetts State Legislature has devised a compromise energy bill to be sent Gov. Charlie Baker. Though significantly less specific than the original Senate draft bill, it still requires the st…

Participate in DOE's 50001 Ready Program - Central Texas

by ejohn // Communications & Event Coordinator for SPEER

SPEER has received a grant and is implementing a pilot program in the Central Texas region. It’s an opportunity to participate in DOE’S 50001 Ready free of charge through this grant. This

Filed under: Green Facilities

Keywords: Energy Efficiency,Energy Savings,Energy Bill,Energy Management,energy management system

0 replies | 1098 views | Posted on: 05/24/2019 | Last updated: 05/24/2019