Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Fossil Fuel Industry'

"God's Taunt" Bill McKibbens at Riverside Church:

by Ronjf1 // Energy Solutions provider and consultant

Can we fight with the knowledge we may loose the fight against climate change. It means divesting institutionally from the fossil fuel industry.

Filed under: Environmental Activism

Keywords: Climate Change,Fossil Fuel Industry,Divest,Acid Sea water,Food chain,Global Warming,God,Exxon,Drought

1 replies | 2051 views | Posted on: 05/25/2013 | Last updated: 05/25/2013

JULY 21st, 7 pm: "Dear President Obama" Film Screening in Albany New York

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Food For Thought is a monthly evening in Albany, NY of food, film and discussion with a focus on films of social, political, environmental and community interest. Held on the third Thursday of each mo…

The Exponential Growth of Electric Vehicle Adoption

by JackSawyer // Student

The rise of electric car companies like Tesla, growing fears of climate change, and tougher policies on emissions have culminated in a growing attention on the electric vehicle industry. And the EV in…

Filed under: Electric Vehicles

Keywords: Fossil Fuel Industry,Renewable Energy,Electric Vehicles,Battery

0 replies | 1826 views | Posted on: 09/02/2016 | Last updated: 09/02/2016

Webinar: Phasing Out Gasoline, February 25, 12 pm EST

by samanthaklein // Intern

You may have seen recent headlines about whole countries and major cities setting deadlines to phase-out gas-powered cars, and states like California following suit. But how do these phase-outs or &ld

Filed under: Transportation/Fleet Services

Keywords: Fossil Fuel Industry,Transportation,cars,gas

0 replies | 898 views | Posted on: 02/13/2021 | Last updated: 02/13/2021