Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Gas Cooktops'

Why everyone is confused about gas and electric cooktops

by Matt Hoots // SawHorse Design + Build

Twenty years ago, I promoted gas appliances to my clients as the best option.  Gas was and is much better at heating the pot than electric options.  As a green builder, I ensured that t

Filed under: Induction Cooktops

Keywords: Indoor Air Quality,IAQ,Electrification,Induction,Induction Cooking,Cooking,Gas Stoves,Gas Cooktops,Electric Cooktops,Kitchens

0 replies | 3720 views | Posted on: 01/23/2023 | Last updated: 04/10/2023

Top 5 reason induction cooking is safer than cooking with gas

by Matt Hoots // SawHorse Design + Build

Induction cooking is superior to gas in many ways, and manufacturers are realizing this and adapting according. In 2021, Zline added induction cooktops to their appliance offerings. When I met them in

Filed under: Induction Cooktops

Keywords: Health,Indoor Air Quality,IAQ,Electrification,Safety,Induction,Induction Cooking,Cooking,Gas Cooktops,Kitchens

0 replies | 3911 views | Posted on: 02/23/2023 | Last updated: 04/10/2023