Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Green Credentials'

Webinar: EP Career Campfire: Preparing for Jobs in the Green Building Industry, June 3, 4 PM EDT

by Richard Minasian // Student

Explore the current green jobs landscape and how emerging professionals can grow their knowledge and differentiate themselves in the market.

The landscape of green jobs has continued to evolve sinc

Filed under: Webinars

Green Building Advocacy

Keywords: Green Building Jobs,Green Building industry,Digital Badges,Green Credentials

0 replies | 1099 views | Posted on: 05/23/2020 | Last updated: 05/23/2020

LEED for Homes Virtual Green Rater Credentialing Training, GreenHome Institute, July 6-17, 2 PM

by Richard Minasian // Student

LEED® for Homes™ requires third-party on-site verification and performance testing by a LEED Green Rater and demand is growing. Now residential and mixed-use projects of any size can go unde

Filed under: Online Courses

Keywords: Green Home,LEED,Construction,LEED Certification,Residential Green Building,LEED rating system,Green Credentials,Green Rater Training

0 replies | 1024 views | Posted on: 06/18/2020 | Last updated: 06/20/2020