Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Health Product Declarations'

HPD Versus The Declare Label: Why Should Building Product Manufacturers Care?

by GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction

Should a building product manufacturer develop a Health Product Declaration (HPD) or a Declare Label? Both product disclosures are excellent tools but differ in complexity, cost, and potential ROI. Th

Filed under: Other Green Building - Other

Keywords: HPDs,LEED V4,Health Product Declarations,Declare Labels

0 replies | 4394 views | Posted on: 10/18/2018 | Last updated: 02/14/2023

Webinar: Intro to Healthy Materials, May 10, 3 pm EDT

by samanthaklein // Intern

This workshop will highlight the trends and tools available to find and select healthier products. Participants will learn the key product categories and how to research and find products that are bet

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Healthy Materials,built environment,Health Product Declarations,Declare Labels

0 replies | 1282 views | Posted on: 04/18/2022 | Last updated: 04/18/2022