Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'LEED recertification'

Webinar: USGBC Arc Performance Pro Level 1: Technical Virtual Workshop, October 29, 1-2pm

by MVillere

2.5 GBCI LEED-specific CEs


Operational performance is the future of green building. Quantifying performance is key to understanding how sustainable your building is - whether it'

Filed under: Other Green Building - Other

Keywords: LEED,LEED Certification,Arc,LEED recertification,building performance

0 replies | 999 views | Posted on: 09/23/2020 | Last updated: 09/23/2020

USGBC First Friday Webinar: Implementing LEED v4.1: A Practitioner's Perspective, November 4, 1 pm ET

by samanthaklein // Intern

LEED v4.1 is a comprehensive revision of the rating system including new and existing buildings, recertification, and residential. It has set the strongest technical foundation possible for the organi

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: LEED,LEED recertification

0 replies | 1179 views | Posted on: 10/04/2022 | Last updated: 10/04/2022