Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Network'

Online: USGBC OH Community Connections Webinar: Women in Green, October 8, 1pm EDT

by kaleigh.stirrat // Intern & Emerging Professional in Architecture

During this moderated discussion panel, we will spotlight the impact of strong women leaders in the energy efficiency and green building industry. This session highlights just a few women in Ohio who

AIA Connecticut Conference and Expo 2021, October 18-19

by samanthaklein // Intern

The 2021 Connecticut Architecture Conference + Expo (CACX '21) is the largest premier educational event for architects in the state of Connecticut.

This year’s conference offers attendees

Filed under: Architects

Connecticut Green Building

Keywords: Architecture,Education,Connecticut,Professionals,Network

0 replies | 1549 views | Posted on: 09/27/2021 | Last updated: 09/27/2021