Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'clean energy'
Webinar: Communicating About Clean Energy and Climate Change Solutions, 3/23, 12:00pm -1:15pm EST
Webinar: Communicating About Clean Energy and Climate Change Solutions Thursday, March 23, 12:00pm -1:15pm EST Struggling to reach and motivate stakeholders to engage in outreach events? Partici…
Solar experiment lets neighbors trade energy among themselves
Brooklyn is known the world over for things small-batch and local, like designer clogs, craft bourbon, and artisanal sauerkraut. Now, it is trying to add electricity to the list. In a promising experi
…BASEA Forum: MA Clean Energy Momentum: - 'Ranking State Progress' May 11th 7:00pm
BASEA Forum: MA Clean Energy Momentum: - 'Ranking State Progress' May 11 | 7:00pm First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist, 3 Church Street, Harvard Square Join BASEA at their monthly mee…
Energy & Sustainability Summit 2017 May 25th 7:30am-6pm
2016 was officially the warmest year on record, with temperatures almost 2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the pre-industrial level. The year also brought change to Washington, with many uncertain or f…
MA Carbon Pricing Summit & Lobby Day, June 13
The Campaign for a Clean Energy Futureis having a first big lobby day of the year. This is a big opportunity to push carbon pricing in Massachusetts. We will meet at the CABA/CXC office at the Old Wes…
Financing Clean Energy in Affordable Housing Through Green Banks: CT Green Bank Approaches Webinar - June 6
Over the past several years, CT Green Bank has partnered with the affordable housing sector and private capital providers to provide critical education, financing, technical assistance and resources t…
Verge Hawaii: Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit 2017 June 20-22
In partnership with the Hawaii State Energy Office, VERGE returns to Hawaii to lead the state’s transformation to a clean energy future. VERGE Hawaii: Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit focuses on …
NECEC's 10th Annual Green Tie Gala, October 26, Boston
Celebrate a decade of NECEC at the premier clean energy event in the Northeast on October 26, 2017 at the Boston Park Plaza. Tickets go on sale in mid-June. For information on how to raise your profil…
How to make Philly A Clean & Energy Efficient City, June 27
Green Philly is continuing the series of live events to give our community an in-depth perspective of current sustainability issues. Despite the US pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement on a f…
Introduction to PACE (Property-assessed clean energy), July 19
Come for an introductory session of one of the USGBC MA's highest advocacy campaigns - promoting PACE. The property-assessed clean energy (PACE) model is an innovative mechanism for financing energy e…
AEE-NE Marketplace Conference: Energy New England - Norwood, MA on April 12, 2018
This year’s conference will feature exhibitors from the region’s leading energy service companies and workshops (offering CEUs) on the latest topics and solutions for energy in New England. Also e…
Webinar: “Community Choice Energy: Power and Purpose," May 16th, 2pm-3pm
Community Choice agencies (CCAs) serve their communities with electrical power. There are other dimensions of power that CCAs engage in, such as the power of decision-making, the power of local contro…
Investor Connections for Clean Energy Startups, August 1, 2-7 pm, Ithaca, New York
Upstate Capital is hosting an evening of networking for angel, seed, and venture capital investors to connect with energy and sustainability startups and established companies in the Southern Tier sta…
Emerging Trends Series: The Future of Energy Efficiency, July 11, Boston, MA
With multiple Northeast states ranked as national leaders in energy efficiency for multiple years in a row, the region has been at the forefront of driving adoption of the “least cost fuel” as a w…
It's Electrifying: Direct From The Manufacturer, July 19, 6:00 - 8:00pm, New York City
For New York City buildings to be powered by clean, renewable energy, many will eventually need to upgrade to electrified heating systems. Meeting the demand for a wide variety of products for new pro…
NECEC's Annual Legislative Roundup, Aug 2nd, 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM, Boston, MA
NECEC Executive Vice President Janet Gail Besser and NECEC's state coordinators will provide an overview of key clean energy legislation that has emerged from the 2018 state legislative sessions. Lear…
Webinar: Strategically Maximizing the Energy Efficiency of Your Building Portfolio, by Sustainable New Jersey, August 14, 2018
Combining New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) incentives with a strategic vision can help schools and municipalities finance energy efficiency upgrades to their facilities. Planning efforts ca…
2018 Iowa Environmental Council Annual Conference - Environmental Justice: An Iowa Value, September 27, Des Moines, Iowa
Join fellow Iowans interested in a sustainable future for Iowa on September 27, 2018, at the Holiday Inn Des Moines Airport for IEC's annual conference. Environmental threats to land, water, and c…
The Mid-Atlantic Bioenergy Conference & Expo (MABEX), September 12-14, 2018, Philadelphia, PA
The Mid-Atlantic Bioenergy Council (MABEC) is looking forward to welcoming over 300 attendees from the Mid-Atlantic and beyond to Philadelphia, PA, September 12-14, 2018. Multiple program tracks…
5th Annual Delaware Energy Conference, October 31, 2018, Newark, DE
On October 4, 2012, Delaware became the 28th ESC State Chapter when it hosted its first Chapter meeting with more than 30 people in attendance. Since that time, the State of Delaware and the Delaware …
California Aims for 100% Carbon-Free Electricity by 2045
California would shift to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045 under a legislation passed by the state Assembly. The bill awaits a second approval from the Senate and Governor Jerry Brown's
…NEIS 2018 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Sep 20-21, Hamburg, Germany
The conference on sustainable energy supply and integration of energy storage systems is hosted by the chair of Electrical Power Systems of the Helmut Schmidt University and technically co-sponsored b…
New York BEST Conference on Clean Energy and Energy Storage Technologies, Sep 27, 2018, Binghamton, New York
The New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology (NY-BEST) Consortium, in partnership with the Southern Tier Incubator, is hosting its Annual Fall Technology Conference “Clean Energy and Energy St…
International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, Oct 24-26, 2018, Phuket, Thailand
Sustainable development is based on three interlinked criteria: economic development, social progress and environmental protection. It is the state of development that seeks to produce sustainable eco…
7th International Conference on Green Energy, Green Engineering and Technology, Sep 20-21, 2018, Berlin, Germany
EuroSciCon welcomes you to attend the 7th Edition of International Conference on Green Energy, Green Engineering, and Technology during September 20-21, 2018 at Berlin, Germany. We cordially invite al…