Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'heat'
Free Webinar: The Science of Climate Change: Heat and the Environment, April 8, 3 pm EDT
The Department of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona hosts monthly webinars on climate change. This month's webinar is on heat and the environment and how it pertains to the science of
…Strategies for Managing Summer Attic Heat - Air Sealing and Insulation
Join Matt Hoots of Sawhorse, Inc. and Amelia Godfrey, EarthCraft Program Manager for a conversation about attic heat, including why our attics get hot, why this matters, and strategies
DIY Solar Power Fan Installation - Reduce Shed Heat and Stagnant Air
A solar powered fan is a great and simple idea to remove excess heat from a shed. And this is a Scout project in addition, where (with supervision), the kids can get involved and learn as well.