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Irvine CA United States Member Since: 03/02/2018
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The International Energy Agency* (IEA) publishes the World Energy Report every year, analyzing yearly energy trends via full spectrum including oil, gas and coal supply and demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, etc. Major trends in 2017 according to The 2018 World Energy Report: 1) The 2017 global...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/17/2018 + Show |
America is embracing big changes. As our population ages, millennials, the largest generation in human history, are getting closer and closer to take over the major role in the economy from baby boomers (Sarah Landrum, Coupon Follow). The purchasing power of the over 80 million millennials in the United States (1) should not be overlooked: Simple...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/10/2018 + Show |
According to an article written by Dexter Galvin, a global director of corporations & supply chains at CDP, there is a growing number of companies setting science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and align with the Paris Agreement. Achieving the Paris targets is driving more and more corporations to achieve low carbon...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/09/2018 + Show |
The World’s First Artificial Intelligence Managed Eco-Village Will be Built in the Netherlands
Artificial intelligence will manage a green village in the Netherlands. The village, located in Almere which is half an hour from Amsterdam, will supply food to people in the ReGen village. Food waste will be feeding fish on aquaculture on-site. The green village will use its AI tech platform, “village OS” to simultaneously control renewable...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/08/2018 + Show |
Research: U.S. Community Solar Market Can Grow 70 Times by 2030
A new research estimates that the U.S. community solar market, which currently accounts for 1 gigawatt of installed operating capacity, can consistently scale to 50-70 times that size by 2030. This is equivalent to 8 million new solar customers, 72 TWh to 107 TWh electricity, and $81 to $121 billion in capital investment. The study “The...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/06/2018 + Show |
The usual rooftop is plain terrain, exposing to sun, wind, rain, and snow, and enduring extreme temperatures up to 90 Fahrenheit higher than the surrounding air on a hot day. Green roofs, on the contrary, are veritable ecosystems, or sky garden. Green roofs may support a simple carpet of self-sufficient groundcovers such as sedum or full-fledged...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/03/2018 + Show |
Encode Artificial Intelligence into Sustainability
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already more real than people realize. A whopping 70 percent of the companies surveyed this year by Forrester Research plan to use some form of AI by the end of 2018 (Forbes). AI research is a priority for many tech giants: Alphabet (through DeepMind and Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft are...
By YijunW Last updated: 08/01/2018 + Show |
Studies: High Ventilation Rates are Associated with Lower Rate of Illness and Absences
Have you thought about how ventilation* rates influence human health and performance? Studies have shown high ventilation rates are associated with lower respiratory illness, lower rates of sick building syndrome, and lower absences in office and schools. Respiratory Illness Research has shown that increased ventilation rates are associated with...
By YijunW Last updated: 07/28/2018 + Show |
Studies: We Are Consuming Plastics from Drinking Water
A colorful plastic microfiber in bottled water. Photograph: Abigail Barrows Globally, we generated 275 million metric tons of plastic waste in 2010 alone (Jenna R. Jambeck et al). But we only recycle a small portion of our plastic. According to the National Geographic, Europe recycles 30 percent of its plastic waste; China recycles 25 percent; The...
By YijunW Last updated: 07/28/2018 + Show |
An Alternative to Plastic Food Packaging: Laser Marks on Food Items
Ironically, organic fruits and vegetables are often packaged and labeled with plastic. The packaging plastics are usually unrecyclable and become plastic waste. Plastic waste is a huge worldwide issue. Globally, 18 billion pounds of plastic waste flows into the oceans from coastal regions every year and 40% of them come from packaging (National...
By YijunW Last updated: 07/28/2018 + Show |
2019 National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource, October 15 - 17, 2019, Minneapolis, MN
In October 2019 in Minneapolis, ACEEE will host our tenth National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource, the premier US convening conference on efficiency as a utility system resource. Held every other year since 2001, the “EER Conference” attracts a broad spectrum of energy industry stakeholders including utilities, regulatory...
By YijunW Event Date: 10/15/2019 + Show |
WasteTech (Waste and environmental Technology) exhibition and congress has become a well-known professional event to everyone engaged in waste treatment, environmental protection and renewable energy both in Russia and worldwide, especially in CIS and Baltic countries. An extensive and interesting conference program is a traditional feature of...
By YijunW Event Date: 06/04/2019 + Show |
2019 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Buildings (ICSDGB 2019) will be held in Qingdao, China during Apr.25-27, 2019, in conjunction with 2019 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering (IC3E 2019). ICSDGB 2019 is co-organized by Shandong University, International Society for Environmental...
By YijunW Event Date: 04/25/2019 + Show |
GreenBiz 19, for Sustainable Business, Feb 26 - 28, 2019, Phoenix, AZ
Join the world’s brightest thinkers and most influential sustainability leaders for an unparalleled look into the pressing challenges, emerging trends and biggest opportunities in sustainable business today. Main topics: Circular Economy, Financing & ESG, Materiality & Metrics, Purpose & People, Responsible Supply Chains,...
By YijunW Event Date: 02/26/2019 + Show |
One of the largest building and living events in Austria, featuring a comprehensive range of building and renovation systems and equipment, interior design products, energy saving devices and wellness and spa technology. Bauen & Wohnen Salzburg is open to the trade and public.
By YijunW Event Date: 02/07/2019 |
The Energy Expo, January 23 - 24, Miami, FL
Presenting Equipment, Technologies, Products & Know-how for the SOLAR, ENERGY STORAGE, ENERGY SAVING, ENERGY SERVICING, ENERGY MANAGEMENT, CLEAN TRANSPORTATION & SMART BUILDINGS industries. MAJOR PROGRAM with Exhibits, VIP Sessions, English & Spanish Tracks,"Hora Loca" Party and more... The EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL HUB between North...
By YijunW Event Date: 01/23/2019 + Show |
Design Well: Designing for Human Health and Performance, January 22-23, San Diego, CA
8:45-9:00 am Welcoming Remarks Eric Corey Freed, Founding Principal, organicARCHITECT 9:00 - 9:45 am Enhancing the User Experience in Buildings, the Environment and the Budget of Every Project through Biophilia Jodi Smits Anderson, Director of Sustainability Programs, DASNY It is not cost effective, respectful to the environment,...
By YijunW Event Date: 01/22/2019 + Show |
gridCONNEXT brings together business, utility, finance, and policy leaders to explore the most important topics impacting the grid. The event convenes world-class experts to explore diverse perspectives and uncover market innovations poised to redraw the electric utility landscape. With the growth of clean energy, energy storage and electrified...
By YijunW Event Date: 12/04/2018 + Show |
2018 Conference on Health, Environment and Energy, December 3 - 5, 2018, New Orleans, LA
In December 2018 in New Orleans, ACEEE will host its first Conference on Health, Environment and Energy. This two-day, multi-track event will showcase the groundbreaking research of ACEEE’s new Health and Environment program as well as the work of prominent experts and academics in this growing field. This premier event will...
By YijunW Event Date: 12/03/2018 + Show |
ACES 2018, A Community on Ecosystem Services, December 3–7, 2018, Arlington, Virginia
ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services represents a dynamic and growing international assembly of professionals, researchers, and policy-makers involved with ecosystem services. The ACES 2018 Conference brings together this community in partnership with Ecosystem Markets and the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), providing an open forum to...
By YijunW Event Date: 12/03/2018 + Show |
Georgia on My Mind - Green Building, Sustainable Products and Building Practices
Georgia is home to some of the top sustainable green building talent in the nation. Within this gro… Georgia is home to some of the top sustainable green building talent in the nation. Within this group we will be promoting green builder, performance testing, sustainable products and green building practices.