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Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)
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Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)
Phone: 312-561-4588
116 West Illinois Street, Suite 5E
Illinois , 60654
United States
Map LocationCompany Type: Nonprofit Organization
Services (6)
Designing a Passive House is not easy and yet it is actually the easy part when considering the entire design and construction process! Weather, sequencing, materials, low skilled workers, apathy, inertia, as well as common mistakes all conspire against achieving Passive House certification throughout the many months of construction. Though this presentation focuses on helping passive house designers, builders, and developers avoid common...
By samanthaklein // Intern Event Date: 06/16/2020 + Show |
14th Annual North American Passive House Conference: December 4-8, Washington, DC
The number of passive buildings certified and built each year grows exponentially. They're hitting critical mass, so come tjoin Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) in Washington, DC for the 14th Annual North American Passive House Conference. The PHIUS NAPHC is the oldest way to learn about all things passive house. Attendees get real-world case studies on projects ranging from single family homes to high-rises, the latest on...
By abu417 // Climate Connoisseur. Eco-Maniac. Solar Sommelier. Event Date: 12/04/2019 + Show |
2019 Green Energy Contractor Conference, November 7, Rocky Hill, CT
Connect, collaborate, and grow the green energy industry in Connecticut.
By abu417 // Climate Connoisseur. Eco-Maniac. Solar Sommelier. Event Date: 11/07/2019 |
2017 Passive House Massachusetts Symposium, October 25 in Boston
Passive house standards and strategies have come a long way in recent years and are now ready to transform the building and design industry and inform the next generation of building codes and policy. Join us at our annual symposium as we plan for the future and get high performance buildings done. Featuring: • Opening plenary with Ellen Watts, Jana Silsby, and Amy Finylson • Discussion on breaking the passive house cost barrier •...
By AbbieKnight Event Date: 10/25/2017 + Show |