
    GTM Webinar: Building Blocks to a Successful Non-Wires Alternatives Strategy (11/29 @ 2pmEST)

  • 29 Nov 2016
Event Description

From FERC Order 1000 to New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative, electric utilities are increasingly being asked to consider non-wires alternatives (NWA) to traditional investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure. States are taking notice of the grid planning opportunity with notable proceedings already underway in California, Maryland and Massachusetts. To help utilities successfully navigate the new industry dynamic, this Greentech Media webinar will provide attendees with practical information to inform project planning and implementation of a NWA by exploring the following questions:

- What regulatory mechanisms enable investments in alternative resources in place of traditional grid investments in a way that benefits all stakeholders?
- What are the different characteristics of the NWA value proposition?
- What are the responsibilities of the utility in implementing a NWA?


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