Evolution of a Tiny House Company

Evolution of a Tiny House Company
BML Brands - Building Meaningful Lives
6 years ago, two men crossed paths on the internet, one with a background in franchise development and design and the other an advocate for alternative energy and lighting technologies. They both realized quickly working together could result in something greater than if they worked independently. Together, they focused on small and tiny homes along with mobile food concessions, custom structures, electric bicycles, and various environmentally based product solutions. As things go, an illness brought the progress to a halt at that time.
Fast forward to January of 2019. With health issues gone, Building Meaninful Lives, or BML Brands, was created to bring energy efficient tiny and small house design and manufacture, electric bikes, and solar food preservation to the national scene. Our capabilities go well beyond these sectors and the national scope. Our eyes are wide open to cutting edge HVAC technology, wind and solar systems, revolutionary organic pest repellants, and the creation of a nationwide network of membership driven tiny home communities.
Mission Tiny is the housing division for the company. The division has a social, environmental and energy saving mantra. First, every sale of a Mission Tiny home will bring a percentage of funds into a special account for homeless and emergency shelters. Denim insulation will be used for the ecological and non toxic benefits. Electrically, the homes will have an integrated power distribution module that utilizes low voltage power either stepping down standard power or utilizing power from a solar generator also included with the home. The benefits of this 12 volt system include quick installation as the system uses cat 5 or 6 wires. The ends of the wires are RJ45 plugs that allow lights, fans, tv monitors and other 12 volt powered appliances to simply be plugged in. The system easily accepts future technology without replacement. The low voltage virtually eliminates the chance of fire and shock present with standard powered systems.
The solar generator being used for the system can provide low voltage, standard voltage or both simultaneously. Weighing about 25 pounds, the generator can be removed from the home and used at distant job or recreational sites. Additional storage batteries can be used to customize the function of the generator. Lithium ion battery technology is increasing the function of this system exponentially and will continue to grow.
Mission Tiny will also assist in the creation, design and funding of tiny home communities. Washington state has just made tiny homes legal. In Florida, Circle Ponds Sustainable Community is home to about 7 families with room for more. Orlando based nonprofits and the city is looking at tiny home solutions. Tampa and other towns are changing old patterns of development to allow for the smaller home and community design possibilities.
Two and three wheeled electric bikes and scooters are changing the way people travel for near distant needs. Urban centers are seeing the BIRD scooter sharing system take hold. With improved battery systems, travel distance and the ability to carry goods is growing. Enclosed bikes allow riders to be protected from the weather. Going to the grocery store, the library, heading out to a party without starting a combustible engine is here. BML is busy growing relationships in this sector while also designing proprietary solutions. Mission Tiny homes will easily adapt to providing solar charging stations for the bikes or electric cars. Some of our home packages will include the transportation solution.
Food Preservation
Food waste is an albatross for humans across the globe. According to the Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, about 1.3 billion metric tons of food is lost or wasted annually. The history of food drying dates back to early civilizations. Techniques varied either burying food in hot sand wrapped in palm leaves, naturally freeze drying walrus meat, smoking, freezing and then crushing potatoes once thawed to drive out water, or simply allowing product to be left in the sun.
BML is redesigning various sized solar food dryers that will provide residential and commercial scale solar food drying systems. The system uses air movement with fans powered by photovoltaics and heat from hot air panels to obtain the necessary environments for preservation. The larger systems will allow agricultural crops, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, dairy products, hemp, to be preserved and being free of fossil fuel needs to operate can provide solutions for cultures living in remote locations.
Great minds are embracing new ways to develop product solutions. Biological systems that do not result in harm to the environment are seeing the light of day in product creation. Batteries will come from living organisms. Biomimicry, studying the way nature solves design problems, is slowly but steadily becoming acceptable conversation by corporations.
BML Brands, (Build Meaningful Lives) is growing. Our sales force is growing nationwide, and we now have an inhouse graphic designer to assist with all design work and social media. We are in the final stages of bringing on a licensed Washington State builder to capitalize on the recent legislation there making tiny homes legal. In addition, a former wall street investment banker is coming on board to provide corporate and financial guidance.
We are on the cusp of a new era far distant from the stone age. Leaders like Janine Benyus, Angela Belcher, Leyla Acaroglu, William McDonough, Ross Chapin and many others deserve recognition for shattering old ways of thinking and opening minds to new possibilities. BML looks up to these leaders and will embrace the solutions where and when possible. We also thank our ancestors, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who taught us about work.
*To read more and to connect with Mission Tiny, visit their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/missiontiny/ The company website is coming soon, as is a Rate It Green listing. You can also send a message to RonF through Rate It Green!
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Long time advocate of green technologies and housing solutions with focus on solar, led lighting, hvac and tiny housing, micro housing, emergency housing.
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