Green Building Community
Sign On - USGBC Letter to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

USGBC Letter to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice
Sign on to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice through USGBC's letter:
"On behalf of the businesses and organizations working to advance the efficiency and performance of buildings we write in strong support of important programs at the Environmental Protect Agency (EPA). EPA provides the public and private sectors with a range of voluntary programs, tools, technical assistance, research, and data, and we support a strong budget for the agency. In this letter, we focus on the vital programs ENERGY STAR, WaterSense and Safer Choice. These important public-private partnerships help businesses, consumers, and state and local governments save money by investing in efficiency and reducing negative environmental impacts."
The letter can be found here:
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