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Webinar: USGBC Arc Performance Pro Level 1: Technical Virtual Workshop, October 29, 1-2pm
Event Description
2.5 GBCI LEED-specific CEs
Operational performance is the future of green building. Quantifying performance is key to understanding how sustainable your building is - whether it's energy consumption, indoor air quality, waste management or more. This fast-paced introduction will explore the importance of performance as an emerging trend in green building and highlight how you can use the Arc performance platform to understand how sustainable your building is.
What will participants learn?
This training will provide an overview of Arc's purpose and structure. The platform collects data across five categories - energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience - and then provides users with an overall performance score for their building. Participants will learn about the importance of scoring and the performance metrics behind each of these categories, and learn how they can leverage this performance score to understand how to benchmark against other buildings, make improvements and reach higher levels of sustainability performance.
Arc also powers LEED v4.1 O+M and LEED Recertification, and the training will highlight how participants can utilize the platform in the certification process. The Arc platform continues to evolve and incorporate new capabilities, software and technologies with the goal of streamlining LEED certification and making the certification process simpler and faster than ever before.
By the end of the session, participants should be able to:
• Explain what Arc is and how it works
• Use Arc to track building performance and achieve LEED certification and recertification and be able to start using the platform and entering data
Continuing Education: Earn 2.5 LEED-specific CE hours for the O+M specialties!
• Emerging Professionals and Full Time Students: $25
• Non-members: $75
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