Green Building Community
A Birdhouse Offers Free Wifi When the Air is Clean!
Posted by: YijunW

Do you know that Amsterdam has free wifi that is provided when air is clean in every street?
TreeWifi, a state-of-the-art birdhouse, measures air pollution by lighting up to show how good or bad the air quality is in the neighborhood, and provides free wifi to the public when air is clear enough. The Founder Joris Lam said TreeWifi as the world’s first product that offers free internet in return for clean air, aiming for higher air pollution awareness and environmental actions throughout the city of Amsterdam, Netherland.
TreeWifi uses nitrogen-dioxide sensor that catches accurate air pollution information. LEDs light up green when air is clean, and turn red when air is polluted.
We need technology like this everywhere to help people connect with the environment, and also to help us all be more aware of clear air and our health.
For more information, please visit:
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