Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
ROCKWOOL Elite Webinar: Vapor Barriers: Do we REALLY need them? January 7, 4-5:30 pm EST
Join us as we welcome back Elite Builders to co-host, Randy Williams, Northern Built Pro, Willcon Inc on from Climate Zone 7 along with Travis Brungardt from Catalyst Construction in Prairie Village, KS and myself-Dan Edelman with ROCKWOOL… more...

0 replies | 1870 views | Posted on: 12/16/2020 | Last updated: 12/16/2020
A Birdhouse Offers Free Wifi When the Air is Clean!
Do you know that Amsterdam has free wifi that is provided when air is clean in every street? TreeWifi, a state-of-the-art birdhouse, measures air pollution by lighting up to show how good or bad the air quality is in the neighborhood, a… more...

0 replies | 2999 views | Posted on: 05/16/2018 | Last updated: 05/18/2018
A film worth watching: How to keep cool without costing the Earth?
About 6% of the electricity generated in America is used to power air-conditioning systems that cool homes and offices. As countries such as Brazil, China and India grow richer, they will surely do likewise. Not only is that expensive for c… more...

0 replies | 2176 views | Posted on: 02/14/2017 | Last updated: 02/14/2017
Biomimicry: Designs By Nature
Biomimicry means using nature to mimic things in our everyday life. By mimicking nature in how products and buildings are designed, we can make smarter, more cost effective decisions that we already know are sustainable. Architect and susta… more...

0 replies | 1309 views | Posted on: 08/19/2015 | Last updated: 08/19/2015
Recycle/Waste Basket
Solecan™ is an eco-friendly single can trash & recycling solution. It makes recycling so convenient your cat could do it. Recycle. Everywhere. more...

2 replies | 2310 views | Posted on: 02/28/2013 | Last updated: 11/10/2014
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