
    Webinar: New Hampshire's Changing Precipitation Patterns - Droughts, Floods, January 13, 9 am - 12:15 pm

  • 13 January 2021
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 12:15 PM
  • Event Host : EBC New Hampshire, Environmental Business Council New England, Inc.
Changing Precipitation Patterns
Event Description

This EBC New Hampshire program will focus on how precipitation patterns are changing in New Hampshire, and what this means for everything that depends on water – which is essentially all human and natural activities – and the different future scenarios that we need to be planning for. The program will include a presentation from a climate scientist and the New Hampshire state meteorologist who will discuss the seasonal shifts occurring and the amounts and types of precipitation being experienced in the Granite State. The discussion will include a review of how these shifts are affecting everything from groundwater recharge to water levels in the state’s rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. We’ll hear how the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services is already starting to adjust its regulatory and management strategies to better ensure and protect the reliability and safety of the state’s drinking water supplies, dams, and natural, recreational and wildlife resources. Finally, the program will explore what more the future may bring and how environmental professionals will need to help their clients be prepared for these “What If” scenarios.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • EBC New Hampshire, Environmental Business Council New England, Inc.
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Jim Gallagher, Chief Engineer, Dam Bureau, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
      Brandon Kernen, Administrator, Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
      Mary D. Lemcke-Stampone, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Geography, New Hampshire State Climatologist, University of New Hampshire
      Thomas E. O’Donovan, P.E., Director, Water Division, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
      Cameron Wake, Research Professor, University of New Hampshire
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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