Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Scientists'

USGBC Webinar: Sustainable Synergy - How Building Product Manufacturers and Scientists Can Collaborate, July 10, 12:15 pm ET

by samanthaklein // Intern

In this one-hour course, attendees will explore how science professionals can collaborate with building product manufacturers to overcome challenges in LEED v4.

In this one-hour course, the US

Filed under: Webinars

Related to: Other

Keywords: LEED,Manufacturing,Scientists

0 replies | 881 views | Posted on: 06/08/2020 | Last updated: 06/19/2020

Webinar: New Hampshire's Changing Precipitation Patterns - Droughts, Floods, January 13, 9 am - 12:15 pm

by Richard Minasian // Student

This EBC New Hampshire program will focus on how precipitation patterns are changing in New Hampshire, and what this means for everything that depends on water – which is essentially all human a