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Climate Change Discussions

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COP21 Kicks off - What Can We Really Hope For?

Climate Change,COP21

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

At the start of COP21 on Monday, 150 world leaders gathered for a photo and then many gave speeches outlining the importance of agreeing and acting now to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Francois Holla… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

2 replies | 2016 views | Posted on: 11/30/2015 | Last updated: 12/07/2015

MIT announces new 5-year plan to address problem of climate change

by NSchepis Student at Bridgewater State

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will not stop investments in fossil fuel companies, going against students, faculty, and activists. University President L. Rafael Reif explains in a call with reporters that maintaining relationshi… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1998 views | Posted on: 10/31/2015 | Last updated: 10/31/2015

Election 2016: Who believes in Climate Change?

Climate Change,US Presidential Race 2016

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

For many environmentalists, it's almost unimaginable that anyone doesn't believe in climate change, or at least isn't willing to hedge their bets. Indeed, popular opinions are shifting, and now 75% of Americans, including 56% of Republican… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 999 views | Posted on: 10/28/2015 | Last updated: 10/28/2015

Governor Cuomo signs "Under 2 MOU" to help prevent global temperature from increasing by 2 degrees

Climate Change,New York State Energy Plan,Under 2 MOU

by NSchepis Student at Bridgewater State

On October 8th at Columbia University in Albany New York Governor Cuomo joined by Vice President Gore announced the signing of the “Under 2 MOU”. This is an agreement that New York will join 42 other jurisdictions of the world to commit… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1336 views | Posted on: 10/12/2015 | Last updated: 10/12/2015

Climate change approaching point of no return

by NSchepis Student at Bridgewater State

Prime examples of how climate change is affecting people and the environment are popping up everywhere. Olympic National Park's rainforest in Washington state caught fire. California is suffering its worst drought in a millennium, experienc… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 684 views | Posted on: 10/05/2015 | Last updated: 10/05/2015

Know Tomorrow Climate Festival - Boston Ritz Carlton

by dylanhusted Student-entrepreneur launching a nonprofit focused on climate change

The Climate Reality Project partnered with a new nonprofit, Know Tomorrow, to create a national 'Day of Action'. Boston's representation opted for an event with music, speakers, food, and more. I'll actually be launching and speaking about … more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1357 views | Posted on: 09/30/2015 | Last updated: 09/30/2015

TONIGHT 9/10 - Off and On: The Climate Movement and the Road Through Paris, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 7 pm

Climate Change,Environment,Renewable Energy,Bill McKibben,Naomi Klein

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

Off and On: The Climate Movement and the Road Through Paris Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 7pm Location: Brooklyn Academy of Music Admission: Sliding Scale- Pay what you can Can't attend - Listen Online! One year after the Pe… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1421 views | Posted on: 09/10/2015 | Last updated: 09/10/2015

Green buildings the force behind sustainable cities

Green Building,Climate Change

by Stella Ng'oma Green building enthusiast

Climate change remains one of the biggest global challenges likely to affect livelihoods of future generations. There are different forces behind climate change that need to be addressed, and one of them is CO2 emissions. According to a Bui… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1010 views | Posted on: 09/07/2015 | Last updated: 09/07/2015

Should we be Worried about the Rapidly Expanding Desalinization Industry?


by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

Access to water is a growing issue, particularly with recent droughts. At first, desalinization sounds like a good idea. But I was reading an Environmental News Network article about how desalinization is now a billion dollar industry… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1382 views | Posted on: 09/02/2015 | Last updated: 09/02/2015

Which countries are most likely to survive climate change?

Climate Change

by Chelsea W. Student

Business Insider published an article with info-graphs showing which countries are best and worst equipped to handle climate change. I found it surprising to see which countries were going to survive best, such as the Scandinavian countries… more...

  Filed under: Climate Change

0 replies | 1435 views | Posted on: 07/01/2015 | Last updated: 07/01/2015

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