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APPLY BY TOMORROW, July 8th: Food Solutions New England Network Leadership Institute Fall Sessions
Food Solutions New England (FSNE) seeks to grow, strengthen, and diversify its network leadership across the region. They are seeking regional green thinkers and doers to participate in the first FSNE…
Ensuring high ventilation rates to dilute CO2 and other gases that cause negative effects on humans should be a priority in commercial and industrial buildings, but that is not always the case. I
…GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green, January 30, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM, NYC
In GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green (FUND), you will learn how to see buildings differently and discover strategies to make them efficient, healthy and resilient.
GPRO Fundamentals is designed f
…Bourbon Rain Barrel Workshop at Broad Leaf Local Beer, December 12, 6-7:30 pm, Kentwood, MI
WMEAC is excited to be partnering with our friends at Broad Leaf Local Beer to host a Bourbon Rain Barrel Workshop! If you'd like to build the rain barrel with us and learn about stormwater manage
…The Conway School is collaborating with the Western Massachusetts local section of the Boston Society of Landscape Architects (WMBSLA) and local design practitioners to host a documentary film sc
…USGBC Florida: Green Apple Day of Service: Dunbar Elementary Garden Build Out, November 3, Tampa, FL
This year, they will be building a school garden from scratch! They'll need as many volunteers as possible. Please show up and bring friends/family for a great day of working hard and gi
…MEEA: 10th Annual Midwest Building Energy Codes Conference, November 12-14, Omaha, NE
The Midwest Building Energy Codes Conference brings together stakeholders from across the Midwest to discuss how best to promote the adoption and raise compliance with building energy codes across the
…A Bright Future Ahead: Cost-Effective Solar in Illinois, October 15, 5:30pm, Chicago
Thanks to programs like Illinois Solar For All and the Adjustable Block Program, available through the Future Energy Jobs Act, solar power in Illinois is becoming more affordable t
…Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit on Your Property in Portland, Oregon, Saturday October 5
The goal for this class is to help you, the homeowner, build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) that will augment your property, maximize your space, and add flexibility to your life. This class will he
…The 4th edition of the international conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD) will be discussing the concept of sustainable development that has
…Visible Green Home® The P2 Passive House: A Building Revolution Final Tour, August 24, Ann Arbor, MI
The Visible Green Home® Tour is very excited to present a new event seriesPHIUS+2015 Passive House. This new home construction project in Ann Arbor is the first in the State to
…This workshop is provided for formal K–12 educators and non-formal educators (e.g., nature center staff, 4H and scout leaders, and other outdoor educators) and will feature plenary sessions and
…Green Buildings for Policy Makers, June 27, 6:00-7:00pm, Newton, MA
Newton's new multifamily buildings can benefit the environment--or not. This workshop will bring city decision-makers up to speed on current green building practices.
Join Passive House Massach
…Join NESEA and Wright Builders, Inc. on a Pro Tour of two projects under construction on the Hampshire College campus in Amherst, MA, designed to meet the rigorous standards of the Living Building Cha…
Solar Power Expected to see Sixfold Growth
The International Renewable Energy Agency has recently come out with an encouraging prediction for solar energy - they expect it to grow sixfold by 2030. This projected growth is supported by the unde…
An Introduction to Community Solar
If you are looking to ‘Go Solar’ there are many great options available, but one option worth looking into is Community Solar. The term Community Solar refers to a community based solar pr
…MCAN Massachusetts Energy Omnibus Webinar, May 12, 7-8 PM
Energy issues are moving fast at the MA statehouse. What happens this month in the legislature will determine whether we increase our dependence on fossil fuels or move to cleaner renewable sources of…
Boston Area Solar Energy Association presents: "Catching the Sun!" Movie Night at Kendall Square Cinema 7 pm Tuesday, April 19 In place of BASEA Forum, usually held on the second Thursda…
Western Massachusetts Green Consortium (WMGC) - Green Night with Speed Networking, March 9
Green Night is THIS Wednesday, March 9 at 5pm. Platform Sports Bar 125A Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA Join us for an evening of networking, information sharing, and a Tech Minute (learn a…
Contagious Urbanization: How Suburbs are Embracing Mixed-Use and Density March 1, 2016, 7:30 am - 10:30 pm The Union League 140 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA United States Changing demogr…
What is The Living Building Challenge?
The Living Building Challenge (LBC) is an international sustainable building certification program, created in 2006 by the International Living Future Institute, as a part of the Cascadia Green Buildi…
EnergyBar at Greentown Labs in Somerville, 1/7 5:30 - 8:30 pm
Greentown Labs, EnergyBar! Thursday, January 7th, 2015 5:30pm - 8:30pm Greentown Labs 28 Dane Street, Somerville, MA 02143 About EnergyBar: EnergyBar is a monthly event devoted to helping…
MassDEP Greenhouse Gas Stakeholders: The DEP will hold a public comment period on the Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Level: 1990 Baseline and 2020 Business As Usual (BAU) Projection Update. …
Petition: Tell the Department of Justice: We Need to Investigate ExxonMobil
Petition: Tell the Department of Justice: WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE EXXONMOBIL Over the course of nearly forty years, ExxonMobil contributed millions of dollars to think-tanks and politicians that h…
Energy efficiency is said to be an important component of any resilient strategy. Energy efficient buildings have the ability to withstand emergencies such as power outage or heating disruption. A rec…
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