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Hempitecture: Hemp Building Workshop, Mackay, IN, July 5-7

by AidanAnthony Intern

Join Hempitecture and French hempcrete expert Damien Baumer for a hands-on hemp building intensive workshop. This workshop is geared towards all skill levels. For the first time in the United States, Hempitecture will be using spray… more...

0 replies | 1064 views | Posted on: 06/07/2019 | Last updated: 06/07/2019

Speaker Series at Night: Constructing a Green, Global Future, June 25, 5:00-7:00pm, Austin, TX

Green Building,Sustainability

by Gina Pryciak Student

Kicking off Global Week, ABoR is hosting a special evening edition of our Speaker Series. Join us for cocktails as we discuss innovative green building programs that are making sustainability the standard around the globe. Sustainab… more...

0 replies | 1242 views | Posted on: 06/06/2019 | Last updated: 06/06/2019

Soulardarity "Building a Village" Bus Tour 2019, June 23, 12:00-3:00pm, Highland Park, MI

Green Building,Solar,Sustainability,Community

by Gina Pryciak Student

Soulardarity of Highland Park hosts an annual bus tour. This year's tour features local organizations focused on growing and building capacity in Highland Park, MI . Avalon Village, Ryter Cooperative Industries, and Parker Village … more...

0 replies | 890 views | Posted on: 06/06/2019 | Last updated: 06/06/2019

Lunch and Learn - From Sustainable to Circular: How the Right Materials Can Make Green Buildings Greener, June 17, Minneapolis, MN

Green Building,Sustainability,Circular Economy

by Gina Pryciak Student

Global support for the circular economy is gathering momentum -- and the building industry is quickly beginning to embrace its principles. But what is it? And how can your material choices transform the concept of a circular economy into a … more...

0 replies | 686 views | Posted on: 06/06/2019 | Last updated: 06/06/2019

Houston-Galveston Area City Efficiency Leadership Council Winter 2018 Roundtable, December 4

by Yishan

Houston-Galveston Area City Efficiency Leadership Council Winter 2018 Roundtable Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 12-2 PM Houston Green Building Resource Center 1002 Washington Ave. Houston, TX 77002  Lunch provided, RSVP belo… more...

0 replies | 507 views | Posted on: 11/18/2018 | Last updated: 11/19/2018

USGBC LEED Webinar: Slim Down Your Footprint, November 2, 12:15 pm

by YijunW

Join USGBC for their monthly First Friday LEED Webinar education series! We will be focusing on mostly LEED v4 content throughout the year - typically with LEED specific CEU credits, and often AIA LU credits as well. USGBC's November on… more...

0 replies | 723 views | Posted on: 08/08/2018 | Last updated: 10/09/2018

3rd Annual Forward Symposium on Sustainability by USGBC Louisiana Chapter, Oct 19

by YijunW

Theme: Shared value, equity, and growth: designing a strategy for a sustainable future. The Forward symposium is designed to bring Louisiana's diverse green industry professionals together to propel the state's sustainability conversations… more...

0 replies | 1253 views | Posted on: 08/08/2018 | Last updated: 08/08/2018

USGBC Arizona State Conference, October 30th, Tempe, AZ

by YijunW

The Arizona State Conference, by USGBC Arizona, is the flagship green building event in the state, uniting over one hundred industry leaders, experts, and professionals dedicated to sustainable and efficient buildings. The 2018 State Con… more...

0 replies | 665 views | Posted on: 07/27/2018 | Last updated: 07/27/2018

Activating Biophilic Cities Conference, September 4-5, London, England

by YijunW

The University of Greenwich Green Roofs and Living Walls Centre and the Department of Architecture & Landscape are proud to announce their ABC: Activating Biophilic Cities London Conference on 4-5 September 2018. Keynote Speakers Dr Tim… more...

0 replies | 436 views | Posted on: 07/19/2018 | Last updated: 07/19/2018

Webinar: Driving Tenant Engagement, Platforms, Digital Amenities and Beyond, Presented by Realcomm, 12:30-2 pm, August 23

by YijunW

LIVE Webinar Thursday, August 23, 2018 9:30am - 11:00am PST 12:30 - 2:00 pm EST We can hail a car, order food, listen to music, tweet to the world, reserve tickets and buy almost anything from a smartphone – there seems to be an app… more...

0 replies | 2076 views | Posted on: 07/19/2018 | Last updated: 07/21/2018

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