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Green Building Product Discussions

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Free Green Building Webinar: Daylighting by Design, December 2, 12 pm EST

canopies,canopy systems

by GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction

This course discusses the benefits of a thoughtfully-designed light control system and how to make it work for your project's natural- lighting and shading needs. The discussion emphases implementing design methods including specification o… more...

  Filed under: Exterior Improvements

0 replies | 1010 views | Posted on: 11/17/2020 | Last updated: 11/30/2020

FREE Greenbuilding Webinar: Don't Wait: A Canopy Prep Timeline, Wednesday, September 2, 12pm EDT

Canopy,shading,canopy systems,Exterior Improvements,Shade

by Allison Friedman Rate It Green Admin

Canopy systems are important additions to the building envelope, as well as providing a beautiful, unique aesthetic. Additionally, canopy systems require proper planning, knowledge, and well-kept timeline. Architectural choices should drive… more...

  Filed under: Exterior Improvements

0 replies | 1214 views | Posted on: 08/20/2020 | Last updated: 08/20/2020

GreenCE Webinar: Keep Glass Looking Beautiful and Reduce Maintenance Costs with a Protective Coating, August 27, 12 pm EDT


by samanthaklein Intern

In this one hour course, participants will evaluate low maintenance protective coatings as a solution for many common problems encountered during the life-cycle of building. Some of the easily recognized benefits of an easy to clean coastin… more...

  Filed under: Exterior Improvements

0 replies | 972 views | Posted on: 08/12/2020 | Last updated: 08/13/2020

pond liners

by Miranda P. Homeowner

I am looking for earth-friendly products for lining a backyard pond.  In particular, I'd love to know whether eco intelligent polyester can be used to underlay a standard EPDM pond liner.  And I'd love to know whether EPDM… more...

  Filed under: Exterior Improvements

0 replies | 775 views | Posted on: 05/14/2019 | Last updated: 02/10/2023

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