Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
Wall Control Layers, and How Zip System Products Work with Wall Panels and Roof panels to Keep Buildings Dry (VIDEO)
What is the "perfect wall"? 10 Years ago, Dr. Joseph Lstiburek, building science expert, published an article detailing the "Perfect Wall." The wall is an assembly that is designed to "keep the outside … more...

0 replies | 9040 views | Posted on: 11/01/2020 | Last updated: 01/20/2023
Azek - Recycled Content Decking and a More Realistic Grain Look (Video)
If you’re in the market for decking materials, check out Matt Hoots' interview with Patrick Barnds from Azek at the International Builders Show/Kitchen & Bathroom Show! Patrick shares a window into recent developments… more...

0 replies | 2444 views | Posted on: 07/29/2020 | Last updated: 06/17/2021
Free Green Building Webinar: Decorative Hardwood Plywood - A Beautifully Sustainable Choice, December 8, 12-1 pm EST
In this one-hour course, design professionals will gain in-depth knowledge of decorative hardwood plywood, focusing on its manufacture, uses, and sustainability. It will discuss visual grading, the natural characteristics of wood, types of … more...

0 replies | 1251 views | Posted on: 11/17/2020 | Last updated: 11/17/2020
The Seeds of Sustainability; Wood, Lumber & Mass Timber, Online, November 18, 1:45pm-3:15 EST
This seminar follows the life cycle of wood, wood fiber, and mass timber as sustainable design solutions for the built environment. A focus will be on continuous improvement considerations for project teams as well as addressing the positiv… more...

0 replies | 1336 views | Posted on: 10/29/2020 | Last updated: 10/29/2020
FREE Greenbuilding Webinar: Decorative Hardwood Plywood - A Beautifully Sustainable Choice, September 9, 12 pm EDT
In this one-hour course, design professionals will gain in-depth knowledge of decorative hardwood plywood, focusing on its manufacture, uses, and sustainability. It will discuss visual grading, the natural characteristics of wood, types of … more...

0 replies | 1225 views | Posted on: 08/20/2020 | Last updated: 08/20/2020
Making the leap to LVLs
We have always been proud that we use solid lumber in our home kits. This isn't always easy in modern construction. Solid wood tends to bend, crack, or warp and it can contains knots where you don't want them. From an engineering point-of-v… more...

0 replies | 972 views | Posted on: 10/27/2015 | Last updated: 10/27/2015
Please help my Mother-In-Law with a simple Intro to MDF products :)
My mother-in-law is building a new home, and she wants an introduction to the difference between MDF and "real wood." I'd like to get her information from someone who is an expert in this area. Can you help - thanks in advance! Specifi… more...

4 replies | 3963 views | Posted on: 05/06/2015 | Last updated: 05/13/2015
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The opinions, comments, ratings and all content posted by member on the Rate It Green website are the comments and opinions of the individual members who posts them only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies or policies of Rate It Green. Rate It Green Team Members will monitor posted content for unsuitable content, but we also ask for the participation of community members in helping to keep the site a comfortable and open public forum of ideas. Please email all questions and concerns to