Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
Rhode Island is the First US State to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy by 2030
In her annual State of the State speech to lawmakers, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo signed an executive order this month calling for an end to fossil fuel reliance by 2030. The action makes Rhode Island the first state in Americ… more...

0 replies | 4147 views | Posted on: 01/26/2020 | Last updated: 02/07/2023
Decarbonizing Enterprise Real Estate with Large-Scale Renewables, Illinois Green Alliance Webinar: April 26, 12 pm CST
Purchased electricity is typically a building’s single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Drops in costs of renewable energy over the past decade have made renewables competitive against brown power in many scenarios. Thre… more...

0 replies | 891 views | Posted on: 03/30/2022 | Last updated: 04/01/2022
Renewable Energy Markets 2020, September 21-24, Online
Renewable Energy Markets™ 2020 will be taking place in a new virtual format. The new virtual agenda will include over 30 sessions including table topics, panel discussions with industry leaders, networking opportunities, an… more...

0 replies | 2617 views | Posted on: 08/20/2020 | Last updated: 08/20/2020
India Utility Solar Week 2020 Jul 9 -10, New Delhi, Delhi - India
The conference will focus on the individual roles played by all the parties in the solar sector viz various OEM’s, EPC players, Developers, Financial Institutions etc. and will focus on the latest trends in the technology, performance… more...

0 replies | 1104 views | Posted on: 06/26/2020 | Last updated: 06/26/2020
Renewable Energy & Efficiency Business Association (REEBA) Roundtable, February 25, Hartford, CT
REEBA will host a meet and greet with Chairman Marissa P. Gillett of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to discuss PURA’s ambitious efforts to equitably modernize Connecticut’s electric grid and the important role … more...

0 replies | 1220 views | Posted on: 02/10/2020 | Last updated: 02/11/2020
Google's Henderson, Nevada Data Center to be Powered by a $1 Billion Solar Farm
Google’s new data center in Henderson, Nevada will be powered largely by a $1 billion solar farm. The project is one of the largest corporate solar deals signed in the US, and maybe the the world’s larges such deal on… more...

0 replies | 4816 views | Posted on: 01/27/2020 | Last updated: 01/27/2020
City Buildings in River Falls, Wisconsin are now Powered with 100% Renewable Energy
On January first and after years of effort to cut dependence on fossil fuel use, River Falls Wisconsin “flipped a switch” to power all city buildings with 100% renewable energy. This arguably makes the college town of 15.0… more...

0 replies | 1202 views | Posted on: 01/05/2020 | Last updated: 01/26/2020
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