Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'C-PACE'

How C-PACE Can Power your Energy Potential: A Bar-T Building Tour, June 27, Frederick, MD

by AbbieKnight

This course is expected to be approved for 1 GBCI general and 1 AIA CEU.

Join at a building tour of the Bar-T Mountainside Camp and learn Commercial property assessed clean energy (“C-PACE&rd

Filed under: Green Building Finance

Keywords: Clean Energy Financing,C-PACE

0 replies | 756 views | Posted on: 06/19/2019 | Last updated: 06/19/2019

USGBC Colorado Webinar: Financing Resilience with C-PACE Loans, June 24, 11:45 AM MDT

by Richard Minasian // Student

On September 20, 2019, school children in the Solomon Islands arrived by canoe to their demonstration site to join the 4 million others around the world in the School Strike for Climate. In 2019, 906