Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Financing Strategies'

Innovative Financing Strategies for High-Performance Affordable Housing, June 10, Boston, MA

by AbbieKnight

Join for a community conversation on how we can achieve deeper energy savings and integrate clean energy technologies into multifamily affordable housing.

Hear from lenders, subsidy providers,

Filed under: Massachusetts

Equity and Green Building

Keywords: Affordable Housing,High Performance Building,Financing Strategies

0 replies | 1738 views | Posted on: 05/19/2019 | Last updated: 05/19/2019

USGBC Colorado Webinar: Financing Resilience with C-PACE Loans, June 24, 11:45 AM MDT

by Richard Minasian // Student

On September 20, 2019, school children in the Solomon Islands arrived by canoe to their demonstration site to join the 4 million others around the world in the School Strike for Climate. In 2019, 906

Zero Carbon Conference (Online), Presented by International Living Future Institute, October 7 - 8

by Richard Minasian // Student

We are living in an unprecedented, critical moment to take intentional and equitable action on the climate crisis. With less than a decade to achieve sustainable development goals, collaboration is im

Filed under: Environment

Keywords: Climate Change,Sustainability,Carbon,Zero Carbon,Decarbonization,Financing Strategies,Embodied Carbon,Operational Carbon,Zero for All,Zero Carbon Conference

0 replies | 3676 views | Posted on: 08/15/2020 | Last updated: 08/17/2020

Webinar: Reliability, the Reserve Margin and Seasonal Planning, February 9, 3:30 pm EST

by samanthaklein // Intern

Reliability, the Reserve Margin and Seasonal Planning, including a review of energy and load forecasting, an exploration of the reserve margin and seasonal planning and a discussion of resource option

Filed under: Consulting

Georgia on My Mind - Green Building, Sustainable Products and Building Practices

Keywords: Energy,Resiliency,Urban Planning,Financing Strategies

0 replies | 1137 views | Posted on: 12/29/2021 | Last updated: 12/29/2021

Brightfields 102 Workshop (Virtual): Understanding the Landscape of Brightfields Funding and Financing, November 16, 10 am MT

by samanthaklein // Intern

This interactive workshop will educate and engage participants on brightfields funding and financing strategies and how to pitch brightfields projects to leadership, community stakeholders, and funder

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: clean energy,Leadership,Education,Financing Strategies

0 replies | 1256 views | Posted on: 10/21/2022 | Last updated: 10/21/2022