Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Climate Plans'

Webinar: Implementing Climate Action, Presented by USGBC Texas, September 17, 3-4:30 pm

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

In 2017, six Texas cities -- including Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio -- signed onto the Climate Mayors’ National Climate Agreement in support of the Paris Agreement and its internation

Filed under: Climate Change

Texas Green Building

Keywords: USGBC Texas,Texas,Climate Plans

0 replies | 1086 views | Posted on: 09/01/2020 | Last updated: 09/01/2020

Justice in Urban Climate Plans: How & Where Cities are Integrating Equity and Climate, December 7, 12 PM

by Richard Minasian // Student

Cities are increasingly incorporating justice and equity into their climate change strategies. How have city approaches changed over time? In what ways are cities taking new approaches to advancing eq

Filed under: Equity in Green Building - Organizations

Massachusetts Green Builders

Keywords: Sustainability,Urban Planning,Justice,Equity,Climate Plans

0 replies | 1426 views | Posted on: 11/19/2021 | Last updated: 11/20/2021