Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Masonry'

Virtual Building Systems, Free Workshop, NSRB, Saturday December 12, 10 am - 15:45 pm BST

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

One of the most important decisions you will make during your self build journey is which building system to use.  The building system is the method used to construct the superstructure of the ho

Webinar: New Masonry Cleaning Procedures and Design Strategies, AIA Florida, June 14, 11 am ET

by samanthaklein // Intern

The first course (12 pm) provides useful knowledge that can be used to assure a masonry project's surfaces, exterior or interior, has been properly treated during the final wash-down stage of

Filed under: Webinars

Florida Green Building Group

Keywords: Design,Sustainable Architecture,Safety,Masonry,Cleaning

0 replies | 1146 views | Posted on: 05/31/2022 | Last updated: 06/01/2022