Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Nuclear Energy'

Tell Mass DEP and Commissioner Martin Suuberg that Nuclear Power is not a part of a Clean and Safe Energy Standard!

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Massachusetts plans to reduce global warming emissions by 80% by developing a Clean Energy Standard. Great, right? But this plan might rely on nuclear power, which produces huge quantities of hig…

Massachusetts Green Builders

Keywords: clean energy,Nuclear Energy,Mass DEP,Global Warming Emissions

0 replies | 1167 views | Posted on: 03/31/2015 | Last updated: 03/31/2015

Is the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Leaking Radioactive Materials, and is this Dangerous?

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Owned by Entergy, New York's Indian Point nuclear plant is apparently leaking tritium, a radioactive substance. Three of the forty Indian Point wells showed an increase in radioactive material, and on…

New York Green Building Group

Keywords: Nuclear Energy,Indian Point

0 replies | 885 views | Posted on: 03/06/2016 | Last updated: 03/06/2016

California's Nuclear Energy Coming to a Close

by JackSawyer // Student

PG&E, one of California's largest energy utilities, announced on June 21st that it will be closing its last running nuclear power plant in California, the Diablo Canyon, within the next decade! This i…

Filed under: Energy

California Green Building

Keywords: clean energy,Renewable Energy,Nuclear Energy,Power Plants,California,Utilities,Nuclear,Goal

0 replies | 2068 views | Posted on: 06/26/2016 | Last updated: 06/27/2016

SEPT 26-28: REGISTER NOW for "The Michigan Energy Symposium"

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

INFO: Climate change is a potential threat to the welfare of mankind and its mitigation is becoming urgent. Nuclear energy, which provides one-fifth of U.S. electricity generation, is a leading utilit…