Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'

Become part of the solution! Pledge Zero Waste!

by Kalyani.rc // Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

Zero Waste Pledge: About a third of New Yorkers' waste can be recycled through the City’s curbside recycling program; another third can be recovered through the City’s organics programs; and an…

Filed under: New York

New York Green Building Group

Keywords: Zero Waste Pledge,Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

0 replies | 1340 views | Posted on: 02/01/2017 | Last updated: 02/01/2017

Innovations in Circular Economy, April 22, (Now Online)

by abu417 // Climate Connoisseur. Eco-Maniac. Solar Sommelier.

*** UKGBC takes the health and wellbeing of its staff and event attendees extremely seriously. Given the WHO declaration that Coronavirus is a global pandemic, UKGBC is monitoring the situation c

Filed under: Events

UK Green Building

Keywords: Sustainability,Circular Economy,Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

0 replies | 1313 views | Posted on: 03/15/2020 | Last updated: 03/27/2020

Euro Global Conference on Recycling and Waste Management, Paris, France (with Virtual Option), September 19-20

by Ashley Oliva

Magnus Group gracefully invites you to its momentous event Euro Global Conference on Recycling and Waste Management” (Recycling 2022which will be taking place v

Filed under: Energy

Solar Energy and Green Building

Keywords: Sustainability,Recycling,Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

0 replies | 727 views | Posted on: 04/08/2022 | Last updated: 08/26/2022